Kenny Slaught Discusses Support Of Hospice Of Santa Barbara

Kenny Slaught, CEO of Investec Real Estate Companies, fully supports the Hospice of Santa Barbara and used to be a member of the Santa Barbara Hospice Foundation. Lately, the real estate has been promoting the hospice’s ‘I Have a Friend Program’ on his blog at

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Kenny Slaught – Santa Barbara Provides Citizens With Ample Career Opportunities

Those who would rather learn a new skill than pursuing college can attend the training programs at Santa Barbara City College. Santa Barbara provides its residents with many courses in skills that are relevant today, says Kenny Slaught on his blog at He explains how the community creates programs that are beneficial to all Santa Barbara residents. Some of these include  Computer Network Engineering, Culinary Arts and Hotel Management, Environmental Horticulture, and Graphic Design.

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Kenny Slaught Blogs On Bright Horizons For Global Health Initiatives

Kenny Slaught believes medical research should expand as to offer better global health interventions. CEO of Global Health Discovery at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Chris Wilson, says these loans can lead to discoveries that will save numerous lives. GCE winners have what it takes to find creative solutions in the global health field.

Kenny Slaught Blogs On Bright Horizons For Global Health Initiatives

Kenny Slaught believes medical practice and research should widen, to allow proper delivery of help to those in need, on a worldwide level. Director of Global Health Discovery at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Chris Wilson, thinks that grants will lead to new medical discoveries that can be used to save many lives. According to him, the creative thinking of GCE winners will take global health to the next level.